The Day Tour Info
不老部落採取預約制,預約後,由客人自行開車至羅東寒溪村不老部落接駁處, 部落將會有接待人員及專車接駁客人上山至不老部落(車程約十五分鐘)。 用餐時間: 目前部落開放一日遊的服務,邀請您於早上十點至部落參觀,約十二點開始用餐, 用餐完畢可隨意走走享受自然至下午四點左右。 餐飲內容: 餐點為套餐式,從前菜到甜點都以當季山上所種食材為主,現採現煮, 讓您意猶未盡的傳統美食。 住宿方面: 部落尚未提供住宿。 費用方面: 目前單人收費為$3200元 ,不再收取任何額外費用,請您放心。 預約方式: 請提早預約確定參與時間,部落會將再以電話方式於您確認, 或煩請至電0919090061獲取更多部落訊息。 非常感謝您並期待能與您一起在山靈中bulaubulau。 (開放一日遊時間 每週二至六 10am-4:30pm 採預約制) |
[Transportation] All the arrangements in Bulau Bulau aboriginal village are made according to the reservations. On the day of arrival, the visitors usually drive to Han-Hsi suspension bridge in Han-Hsi village,Lo-Tong, and our greeters would be waiting for the guests there and bring them back to the village by the shuttle bus ( about 15 minute drive). [Dining hours] A full day tour of the village will be arranged for you. A perfect schedule would be arriving in the mountains around 10am, having lunch around 12 pm, and spending the rest of the time with the nature until around 4pm. [Menu] Our meals come in set menus. From the appetizers to the desserts and everything in between are made with the available foods of the current season. We also provide various millet wine cocktails. All these unique delicacies will leave you craving for more. [Accommodation] Bulau Bulau aboriginal village does not provide accommodation yet, but we are more than happy to make hotel arrangements for our guests. [Costs] Fees are adjusted according to the events in different seasons. The current entrance fee is 3200 NTD . and absolutely no extra fees will be charged. [Reservations] Please make reservations before your arrival. Online reservation is also available and we will call and confirm the booking time with you. You can also call us directly at 03-9614198 to receive more information about the village. Thank you very much and we are looking forward to BulauBulau with you in the mountains. (Day tour : Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4:30pm reservation only ) |